Upson Reflections Photography
Daunte Frazier

Upson Reflections Photography
Daunte Frazier
Daunte Frazier was born on "Upson Street", in Savannah, GA. It was there where he observed his surroundings & discovered his love for visual artistry.
Photography had always been a hobby for Daunte as a young man, and his passion grew over time. This eventually led to him to start his own photography business, in 2014, which he named:
Upson Reflections Photography
Atlanta, GA is where Daunte primarily operates from, however he also accepts opportunities to travel to different locations, worldwide!
Wedding photography & Modeling shoots
have been the two largest contributors to the growing success of Upson Reflections Photography.
However, Daunte also provides his services for: maternity, culinary, special & private events, family, and freelance photography.
Daunte Frazier